Apple Glasses: The Next iPhone?

Apple glasses: a rumor many have speculated to be the next iPhone. Though Apple officially says that they are not developing glasses, insiders and leaks have all pointed out its development. Though other companies like Google and Intel have already developed their version of the smart glasses, none of them have brought as much attention as Apple's new smart glasses. This is because of Apple's previous track record and innovations in the iPhone and other technologies. Ever since the iPhone launched in 2007, the small handheld device forever changed the phone industry, ending landlines permanently. Now, the most vocal supporters of the Apple glasses believe that Apple can do the same with the Apple glasses. So what exactly are Apple glasses, how will they work, and will they be the next big thing, or will they be a disappointment.

What are Apple glasses?

Apple glasses are similar to virtual reality glasses in which the screens of your phones are built directly into the frames for glasses. Imagine having the weather app or the latest game right in front of your eyes. It would be life-changing. However, the truth about the Apple glasses is that no one knows what they will be or how they will look. For all we know, it might not even be in development or exist. This is because Apple officially says that they are not developing glasses. All of the info about the smart glasses are merely small pieces of information leaked by inside sources. So what are they? The sad truth is, we have no idea. 

Why the Secrecy?

There are a variety of reasons Apple is trying to be secret about this. One of them is because they want to make sure that they get the most money out of it. Try to imagine 2 types of consumers. The early ones, who always try to get the best and coolest products out there, and the late group of people who only buy products that are reliable. When companies tell their customers about products that are under development, the first people lining up will be the first group. But after years of long research the product isn’t new anymore. It doesn’t feel like it’s the coolest on the market. Companies always fall for this trick and are always confused after they release a product which had so much hype when it was announced, but was unable to make any money after years of development and research. Apple however is trying to bypass this problem by keeping the development secret.

How do they work?

As said earlier, we don’t really know much of how the device is gonna work. Most theorists believe that it will function somewhat similar to the Apple Watch and will be connected to the iPhone. Others say it might be independent. However no one fully knows the exact controls that the glasses may have. Other glasses in the market have odd and often uncomfortable controls. Google glasses, for example, require you to tilt your head upwards in order to turn the display on. Imagine trying to move your head upwards everytime you want to use your glasses. This is one of the reasons that other glasses from other companies haven’t gained much traction, but theorists believe that Apple might be the only ones who are able to solve these control problems because of the company’s past history creating high level, premium devices.

When are they coming?

People believe the apple glasses will be released around 2023. Some say they might be released earlier, some say that it will probably take more time, but one thing for sure, it’s closer than we may think. Also, leaks have pointed the price tag of these cool devices to be 400-600 dollars, which is actually cheap considering the iPhone 12 is $879.

The next iPhone? 

As said before the apple glasses have often been touted as the next iPhone and as a revolutionary new technology. But will it truly be as innovative as the iPhone, or will it, like previous glasses, be a disappointment. To me the apple glasses definitely have the potential to be a game changer for the internet. But to get there will definitely be monumental hurdles that Apple will have to navigate. There is a reason why other companies were unable to sell their glasses, and that’s because there truly are so many mistakes that you can make in development. If Apple can live up to its legacy there is no doubt that you would one day be looking through 1s and 0s. 

Challenges for apple.

As said before, Apple will definitely face challenges in development. Even for one of the most innovative companies with tons of resources at disposal, creating premium apple glasses with enough features that is comfortable and easy to use for everyone is a monumental task. Apple will have to overcome these challenges to finally create a profitable device. Here are some of the biggest challenges for Apple.


As someone who wears prescription glasses normally, I find them to be very annoying. Some people who wear glasses may disagree with me but I always find my glasses sliding off my nose and after a while, it gets very irritating. Apple will have to try to design a frame that is both comfortable and sleek. However Apple has tons of experience in creating high premium devices so I doubt they won’t be able to solve this problem.

Image from idropnews/Martin Hajek


The Apple glasses have to have many features in order to become popular. A lot of features means that they have to have enough controls. Unfortunately it’s impossible to open apps, control widgets and tons of other expected features with only one button. Obviously when looking at glasses it’s difficult to find good places to place buttons or touch pads that would be comfortable to the user. The exact controls are unclear at this moment. I for one cannot figure out a way that apple would be able to solve this problem. It could be controlled on your phone or the glasses could feature a touchpad on the side, but right now we really don’t know how the controls will work. With so little options to place buttons and controls, this problem has stumped many other companies that require odd controls such as tilting your head. Apple glasses will also have to make these controls self explanatory. There is no point in having easy to use controls if the majority of the population doesn’t know how to use them.

A fit for everyone.

Apple will also have to make easily customizable glasses. This is because every person has different tastes. Some people would like different designs. Others may need different sizes. And some people, like me, already have prescriptions and need glasses that can help you see as well as provide features. With all these things to consider, it’s really hard to make glasses that are available and usable for everyone. This is yet another challenge Apple has to overcome.


Apple will have to deal with hesitancy among its customers. Though tech enthusiasts will surely line up to get an apple glass, the general public might take some time to get used to the latest technology. They also might feel some stigma around the new devices. This might seem weird at first, but imagine looking at someone with a camera near their eyes. You probably won’t know if they are taking a picture or something. Apple could remove the camera which is what they are expected to do. But they will also have to figure out the problem of screen time. Having glasses that turn on all day long might lead to questions about the effects that looking on through your glasses too much may have on your eyes.

To be honest, Apple has a long and treacherous road ahead of it, and the odds don’t look very good on the glasses side. But I, and hundreds of other tech enthusiasts are still very optimistic about the release of the glasses and that it could change how we perceive devices. Currently the market is still in the new stages and is deeply rooted in the iPhone market, but as more and more competitors come in and more and more innovation takes place, I hope that you and I can finally have the world, not at our fingertips but right in front of our eyes. Leave your comments below about what you think about the apple glasses, will they change the world or are they just another attempt in a failing industry?


Sharma, Garv. “Apple Smart Glasses (IGlass) Could Be the next Big Thing from the Trillion Dollar Company.” The Leaker, 13 Sept. 2018, 

Toren, Matthew. “4 Reasons to Wait to Buy Google Glass.” Entrepreneur, Entrepreneur, 1 July 2013, 

“Apple Glasses: Release Date, Price, Features and Leaks.” Google, Google, 

YouTube, YouTube, 31 May 2020, 

YouTube, YouTube, 27 July 2018, 

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